I've set up a test or two that work fine and pass when run in Visual Studio, but when run in MightyMoose (
http://continuoustests.com) then fail deep inside Isolator. Following is an example failure:
*** No method calls found in recording block. Please check:
* Are you trying to fake a field instead of a property?
* Are you are trying to fake an unsupported mscorlib type? See supported types here:
Stack trace
at gr.a(cv A_0, Boolean A_1) in
at dj.a(Boolean A_0) in
at do.b(Boolean A_0) in
at iz.b(Boolean A_0) in
at iz.a(Object A_0, Boolean A_1, Func`1 A_2, Action A_3, Action A_4, Action A_5) in
at iz.b(Object A_0) in
at TypeMock.ArrangeActAssert.ExpectationEngine`1.a(TResult A_0) in
MightyMoose is using the Profiler API to gather metrics. I've tried editing typemockconfig.xml to register the profiler and ran TypeMock config to "link" that profiler; but get the same error.