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0 votes
I tried to invoke a private method with parameter having value null using Arrange-Act-Assert style, but Typemock throws an expection; so I couldn't achieve my aim.
Here is my sample class:
public Class1
private int value;

private void MyPrivateMethod(bool? boolValue)
value = 1;
value = -1;
value = 0;

Test code:

Class1 c1= new Class1();
Isolate.Invoke.Method(c1, "MyPrivateMethod", null);

I tried to make a mock instance of Class1 and invoke method on it, but I again received an exception. Please lead me in a way to achieve this.
asked by mkg (4.3k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

This is actually a bug :(
It happens when you pass null as a value to the invoked method.
We will fixed it and I'll update you as soon as it is fixed.
Please note that even after the fix there might be some restrictions on invoking private methods with overloads.
Consider the example:
public class SomeArgType1

public class SomeArgType2

public class Foo
    private void Bar(SomeArgType1 arg)

    private void Bar(SomeArgType2 arg)

// test code
Foo foo = new Foo();
Isolate.Invoke.Method(foo, "Bar", null)

In the example above Isolator will not be able to decide which overload of Bar you want to call unless you'll send a non null instance as an argument.
answered by ohad (35.4k points)