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0 votes
Hi, There

I have a target class that I need to test. The parent of this target class provides some database interfacing functions that I want to mock. I can't mock the target class, because I need to test it. But is there a way to mock the behavior of its parent methods?


Richard Zhu
asked by rzhu (2.8k points)

5 Answers

0 votes
Hi Richard,

Yes, there is a method for mocking parent class functionality only. its done using the CallBase API look here for more details: ... lBase.html

Also I'm not sure if this is applicable in your case, but you can mock out only parts of a tested class i.e. mock out just specific methods on a given instance. you might find that also useful in your case.
answered by lior (13.2k points)
0 votes
Hi, Lior

Thanks for the information. I looked at the CallBase API, the document says this is used for when you want to mock the base implementation of a overridden method. This is different from my case in 2 aspects:

1. I don't want to mock the child class, because it is the class I want to test.
2. The child class does not override the parent method.

Can you tell me more about mocking specific method of a class? Where is it in the help file? I might be able to use that for my scenario. If I can mock my target class, and let the class handle the method that I want to test, but mock methods inherited from parent.


answered by rzhu (2.8k points)
0 votes
Hi Richard,

Sorry, I misunderstood what you wanted.

In general a small example demonstrating what you need will go a long way in helping us understand you better.

Anyway, here is an example that shows how to mock a specific method from on a given instance. (In this example the method is declared on the parent class, but this will work on on all other methods as well)

public class BaseClass
    public int MethodInBase()
        return 5;

public class UnderTest : BaseClass
    public int OtherMethod()
        return 6;

public void MockingSpecificMethod_AndExecutingTheRestNormally()
    UnderTest target = new UnderTest();
    using (RecordExpectations rec = new RecordExpectations())

    Assert.AreEqual(10, target.MethodInBase());
    Assert.AreEqual(6, target.OtherMethod());

As you can see only the call MethodInBase was mocked while all other calls will go to real code. By default this is the expected behavior for concrete classes.
:!: This behavior will change if you are mocking interfaces.

Anyway I hope this is what you meant. if not please post a short example and I'm sure we will manage to find a good answer for you.
answered by lior (13.2k points)
0 votes
Hi, Lior

This looks like exactly what I want it to be. Thanks for the help. Can you also post an example in Reflective Mock instead of Natural Mock? I have all my other code in Reflective Mock and would like to keep the style consistent.


answered by rzhu (2.8k points)
0 votes
Try this:

public void MockingSpecificMethod_AndExecutingTheRestNormally() 
    MockObject mock = MockManager.MockObject<UnderTest>(Constructor.NotMocked);    

    UnderTest target = mock.Object as UnderTest; 
    Assert.AreEqual(10, target.MethodInBase()); 
    Assert.AreEqual(6, target.OtherMethod()); 
answered by lior (13.2k points)